Day 13 of 365 Days of IAS
Prep Series
Day 13
is dedicated to revision.
Revision is a crucial part of IAS preparation. It
helps in reinforcing concepts, improving retention, and identifying gaps in
your understanding.
Indian Polity
In half day, cover up if any topic
left from the above list and Revise the Indian Polity.
Discuss each adjective attached to
the word ‘Republic’ in the preamble. Are they defendable in the present
circumstances stances?
Current Affairs
Read today’s newspaper and Revise
current affairs terms, notes of past one week.
You can read weekly Insight IAS or
Forum IAS for reading topics which may have been left.
Day 14 of 365 Days of IAS Prep Series
Day 14 is dedicated to revision.
Revision is a crucial
part of IAS preparation. It helps in reinforcing concepts, improving
retention, and identifying gaps in your understanding.
Ancient History
Cover up if any topic left from the above list
and Revise the Ancient History.
In half day, cover up if any topic
left from the above list
Download the material on Buddhism and
Jainism from:
Write and
Send for Checking: Early Buddhist Stupa-art, while depicting folk motifs and
narratives successfully expounds Buddhist ideals. Elucidate.
Current Affairs
Read today’s newspaper and Revise current
affairs terms, notes of past one week.
You can read weekly Vision IAS or Forum IAS
for reading topics which may have been left.